Jaeger Aeration Hard Hat

Client: Jaeger Aeration

Type: Branding and Web

Components: UI/UX, Stationary Design, Digital Design, Brand Identity, and Web

Jaeger Aeration

Is a wastewater treatment company “Pioneer of Fine-Bubble” Jäger created the world’s first fine-bubble membrane diffuser in 1973 as a replacement for ceramic diffusers.

We wanted to display the 50 years in business with the new voice “Pioneer of Fine-Bubble” and give Jaeger Aeration a look for the future.

Jaeger Aeration Logo
Jaeger Aeration Voice

We used typography, photography, and design to showcase the energy efficiency of Jaeger’s new systems designed and built for lagoons and basins.

Jaeger Aeration Products

Each product has a vital role in making the systems and a unique identity. We aimed to highlight their diversity and importance

Jaeger Aeration Visuals